Institutions & Bodies

ESB Business School consists of centralised and decentralised units, some of which are additionally staffed with people from the business world in order to ensure a lively, practical exchange.

School Management

The School Management of ESB Business School consists of four School Board members, who are elected by the School Council.

School Management

School Council

Advisory Council

School Management

The School Management makes strategic and operational decisions for the School with the committees at School and university level. The Dean and  Vice- Deans are elected every four years by the School Council.


School Board

Prof. Dr. Markus Conrads

Prof. Dr. Jörg Büechl
Associate Dean
Vice-Dean Research

Prof. Dr. Anna-Lena Kotzur
Vice-Dean Budget

Prof. Dr. Jörg Naeve
Dean of Studies

School Council

The School Council is one of the most important bodies at ESB Business School. It advises the School Board on all matters of fundamental importance. The Council meets three to four times each semester. Among other things, it submits a proposal for the election of the Dean. The following decisions require the approval of the School Council:

  • Structural and development plans of the School.
  • Establishment, modification and abolishment of institutions of the School.
  • Study and examination regulations of the School

The committee is democratically composed of elected professors, staff representatives and students.



Jörg Büechl
Michel Charifzadeh
Marlene Ferencz
Jörg Naeve
Niamh O‘Mahony
Maud Schmiedeknecht
Dominic Wader
Larissa Zierow



Joanne Corlett

Bianca Fecker

Petra Greiner


Student Representatives

Paul-Philip Buczek

Tiphaine Reynaud

Clara Niggemeyer


Dean:  Markus Conrads


Recorder of the minutes:  Katharina Appelhans

Our Advisory Council

The Advisory Council of ESB Business School is made up of international and national personalities, companies and institutes. Among other things, it advises ESB on important strategic issues and supports ESB in the optimisation or restructuring of study programmes by integrating experience from corporate practice. The Board of ESB Business School proposes the members of the Advisory Board and appoints them for four years.

Members of the Advisory Board

Rüdiger BechsteinAlfred Kärcher SE & Co. KG
Matthias DannenbergRobert Bosch GmbH
Thomas DaunerBoston Consulting Group
Björn EislechnerTÜV Süd Industrie Service GmbH
Julian Eny 
Christian O. ErbeERBE Elektromedizin GmbH
Bettina FröhnerProcter & Gamble GmbH
Constantin GallErnst & Young GmbH
Susanne GoedickeFriedrich-List-Gymnasium
Philipp GreinerMAN Truck & Bus SE
Gabriele GromMerck Sharp & Dohme GmbH

Michael Hessenbruch

Deloitte Consulting GmbH

Katharina HerzogHUGO BOSS AG

Lars Hetzel

ALDI Murr/
Unternehmensgruppe ALDI SÜD

Sonja Hornberger


Dr. Simone JacobiMcKinsey & Company

Dr. Anna Maria Karl

Kienbaum Consultants
International GmbH

Helmut LinkInterstuhl Büromöbel
GmbH & Co. KG

Birgit Lowitsch

B&G Srl

Prof. Dr. Ing. Inaki Lozano EhlersBICG - The Club
Karin MarkertWittenstein SE

Rolf-Michael Müller

Maschinenfabrik Niehoff
GmbH & Co. KG

Daniel Nothelfer

Danaher Life Sciences

Oliver Parpart       

Cancom GmbH
Frank Peter PawlakPawlak Beratung
Aron PrechtHewlett-Packard GmbH
Christian TimmNKG KALA Hamburg GmbH

Programme Directors' Conference

The Programme Directors of all study programmes meet at least once a semester in the Programme Directors' Conference. This committee discusses and coordinates teaching issues at ESB Business School.

Bachelor's Programme Directors

Master's Programme Directors

Bachelor's Programme Directors

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General Management, Corporate Finance and Risk Management

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Production Organisation and Engineering, Fundamentals of Process and Control Technology, Quality Management

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General Management, Organisational and Managerial Skills

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General Management, Management of Digital Technologies

Master's Programme Directors

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General Management, Accounting and Controlling

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Marketing, Retail and Sports Management

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Anglo-American Studies with a focus on the Economy

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General Management, External Accounting and Auditing

Programme Coordinators' Conference

The programme coordinators are the contact persons for conceptual, content-related and organisational questions. They carry out study guidance and coordinate student exchanges in the respective programmes.

Bachelor's Coordinators

Master's Coordinators

Bachelor coordinators

BSc International Management Double Degree (IMX) / MSc Global Management and Digital Competencies (MGMDC)

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Bsc International Management Double Degree (IMX)

BSc International Management Double Degree (IMX) / MSc Global Management and Digital Competencies (MGMDC)

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Coordination: MSc International Business Development / MSc International Accounting, Controlling and Taxation

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Coordination MA European Management Studies (EMS)

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MBA International Management Full-Time

MBA International Management Part-Time

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MBA International Management Part-Time

Marketing & PR

The Marketing & Public Relations Department is the central office for external and internal communication at ESB Business School. It is the point of contact for press enquiries, website and information material about ESB Business School.

Contact persons

ESB Marketing Team

Career Center

This is the primary stop for questions about career planning and starting a career.


Career Center

International Affairs Department

Thinking as many, acting as one - internationalisation at ESB Business School takes place from the bottom to the top and vice versa. The International Affairs Department coordinates the international activities of ESB Business School.

Contact persons

International Goals

Contact International Affairs Department

[Translate to English:]

Department of Internationalisation

International Goals of ESB Business School

The International Affairs Department addresses the following topics, among others:

  • Continuous expansion of international study programmes and double-degree programmes
  • Supporting the international ESB Community and promoting intercultural competencies 
  • Ensuring sound quality management in the area of internationalisation
  • Support for the expansion of the international research network

  • Promoting the mobility of faculty and staff involved in international research

  • Ensuring sustainability of internationalization initiatives

  • Development/support of an international network of academia and businesses

Internationalization Strategy of ESB Business School ( shortened version).


The ESB Reutlingen Alumni e.V. connects alumni and students. The members regularly exchange ideas on topics of professional development and the expansion of their networks.


More about the Alumni E.V.