Quality Management at ESB Business School

Quality is lived by all members of ESB Business School. The core objective of quality management is the systematic improvement of studies and teaching. Our benchmark is based on international standards.

Quality & Development

For us, quality means guaranteeing an outstanding

  • international
  • practice-related
  • forward-looking
  • holistic

range of study and teaching programmes. This understanding of quality is lived by all members of ESB Business School. The core objective of the quality management and the quality culture is the systematic improvement of studies and teaching and thus the further development of the whole of ESB Business School.

Quality Objectives

Quality Assurance

Quality Development

Quality objectives of ESB Business School

The quality objectives of ESB Business School are divided into three areas.

Quality objectives in terms of content

ESB Business School's study programmes cover the entire range of business administration issues.

All study programmes are characterised by a lived international orientation and a high level of practical relevance.

ESB Business School's study programmes integrate a variety of didactic methods to ensure the best possible teaching and learning success for each qualification goal.

The study programmes provide adequate opportunities for individual specialisation.

The study programmes promote the acquisition and deepening of soft skills and enable students to create links to other disciplines and aspects of life.

The study programmes at ESB Business School enable students to develop their personalities in a holistic manner.

ESB's study programmes

ESB Business School sets high standards for the admission of applicants.

Admission rules and requirements are comprehensible and are communicated proactively.

The structure of all degree programmes complies with the relevant national and international requirements.

Study structures and study procedures are clearly regulated and always comprehensible to the students.

The modularisation of the study programmes guarantees individual study ability and a comprehensive acquisition of skills and learning success.

The examinations are designed to be competence-oriented.

Teaching at ESB Business School integrates current research issues and practical projects with companies.

We promote enhanced professional competence and research activities of the teaching staff.

ESB Business School provides sufficient media and IT equipment as well as self-study zones and experimental zones in laboratories.

Quality Assurance

ESB Business School uses various instruments to ensure high teaching and study quality.

  • Students provide constructive feedback in regular teaching evaluations and graduate surveys.
  • The "Assurance of Learning" process checks whether students successfully achieve the intended qualification goals of the study programmes.
  • Regular study programme audits ensure the implementation of internal and external quality specifications and thus accreditation.

Quality Development

The system-reaccreditation achieved in 2020 by the Accreditation Council confirms the successful strategy for implementing the quality objectives.

The quality development at ESB Business School is driven by the following measures:

  • Structural and development planning incorporates results from regular self-evaluation and drives improvement measures.
  • Relevant stakeholders such as the Advisory Board, alumni as well as external technical and professional reviewers are involved in the further development of the programmes.
Rankings & Accreditations

For years, ESB Business School has headed many renowned national and international rankings. It has been accredited by various accreditation organisations.

Assurance of Learning

With the quality assurance concept "Assurance of Learning" (AoL), we regularly check whether and to what extent our students achieve the defined competence goals. We regularly evaluate the competence goals in order to further develop curricula and study programmes in accordance with the Mission of ESB Business School.

Assurance of Learning

We prepare our students for their future career in the best possible way. With the quality assurance concept "Assurance of Learning", we regularly check whether and to what extent the defined competence goals have been achieved by our students. The competence goals are regularly evaluated in order to further develop curricula and study programmes in accordance with the Mission of ESB Business School.

ESB Business School stands for international orientation and practice-related teaching. Respect, responsibility and commitment are values that determine our actions. The following values and competences are taught in all degree programmes:

  • Foreign language skills
  • Intercultural competence
  • Ethical behaviour
  • Skills for targeted problem solving
  • Functional and methodological competences
  • Digital skills in a functional and/or methodological context

By means of evaluation of cross-curricular competence goals ("assessment"), we gain a detailed insight into the performance and development of our students. The results make an important contribution to curriculum management at the School and help us to continuously improve our study programmes.

  • Participation in tests or assignments specifically used for assessment purposes (e.g. Intercultural Effectiveness Scale (IES) online test)
  • Student representatives and alumni actively participate in the design of teaching.

Head of Quality Management

Quality Management Team

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Quality Assurance and Accreditations

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Quality Assurance, AACSB-Accreditation

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Member of academic staff in quality management and accreditation

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