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Prof. Dr. Jörg Naeve

Economics and Quantitative Methods

+49 7121 271 3071


Building 5, Room 5-211

Open door policy and by appointment

  • Dean of Studies of ESB Business School
  • Programme Director of BSc International Management Double Degree (IMX)
  • Head of the Examinations Board of  BSc International Management Double Degree (IMX) and MSc International Management (IPBS) programmes

  • Microeconomics
  • Quantitative Methods (Mathematics and Statistics)
  • Industrial Economics
  • Game Theory
  • Social Choice

  • Pre-degree certificate in mathematics and economics at Bielefeld University (1984-1986)
  • Study abroad in the USA at the University of Georgia in Athens, GA (1986-1987, degree: MA in Economics)
  • Degree in Business Mathematics at Bielefeld University (1987-1992)
  • Dr. rer. pol. at Bielefeld University with Prof. Dr. Walter Trockel; Title of dissertation: “A Walrasian Approach to Bargaining with Incomplete Information“ (1995)
  • Post doc stays at Universidad de Alicante, Spain (1995-1997), Bonn University (1997) and Université de Caen, France (1998)
  • Assistant to the chairman of the board at Allianz Versicherungs-AG’s Bayerische Versicherungsbankkeit AG (1998-1999) and representative division manager in the branch division in Ludwigsburg (2000)
  • Member of scientific staff at School of Microeconomics, especially Industrial Economics, at Hohenheim University with Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schwalbe (2000-2009), on a permanent basis since 2008
  • Habilitation in the field of economics with the habilitation thesis “Implementation and the Role of Information“ (2006)
  • Acting professor at Bern University, Switzerland (winter semester 2006-2007) and Saarland University (summer semester 2007)
  • 2009 appointed professor of "Volkswirtschaftslehre und Quantitative Methoden" (Economics and Quantitative Methods) at Reutlingen University


Naeve, Jörg






