Shaping innovative and healthy work in the social and healthcare sector.

In a group of social and healthcare institutions, universities and technology companies, the competence centre conducts research into innovative and health-enhancing approaches to work design and disseminates innovative solutions in the relevant networks. 

The social and healthcare sector is an important pillar of society and a major employer, especially in rural areas such as the Alb-Bodensee-Iller region. However, the sector is struggling with a shortage of skilled labour and increasing workloads for employees, while at the same time the demand for healthcare services is growing. In order to attract and retain skilled labour, working models need to be innovative, needs-based and healthy. Attractive examples of this include flexible working hours, the integration of digital technologies and employee skills development. 

The KompIGA competence centre for innovative and healthy work in the social and healthcare sector, which was launched on 1st April 2024, is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) with 8.7 million Euros over a period of five years.  It aims to make work in the social and healthcare sector more dynamic, innovative and healthy. KompIGA develops practical working models and reference approaches such as working time models, the integration of skilled workers and the digitisation of processes. Intelligent change methods and organisational development models are developed and reflected upon with the active involvement of the employees.

The tried and tested solutions are publicly accessible and disseminated in the region at specialist conferences and workshops. In this way, the centre will serve as a competent point of contact for innovative and healthy work organisation in social institutions in the region.

Participants include the St. Elisabeth Foundation, the Zieglerschen (foundation), the Wohlfahrtswerk (support organisation for the elderly) for Baden-Württemberg, Lebenshilfe (emotional support) Donau-Iller, the Diakonie (social welfare organisation) Baden with Pulsnetz (healthy working), as well as the universities of Ravensburg-Weingarten, Neu-Ulm, Kempten and Reutlingen, which coordinate the centre.  

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