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Prof. Dr. Arjan Kozica

Organisation and Leadership

+49 7121 271 1009


Building 3, Room 230

By appointment

  • Vice President for Studies, Teaching and Continuing Education at Reutlingen University
  • Programme Director of BSc International Management Double Degree
  • Programme Leader of BSc International Management Double Degree German-Irish Link, German French and German Chinese
  • IMX Ressort: Governance
  • Executive Program Advisor MBA International Management. For Military Officers and Professionals.

  • Change Management
  • Personnel Management
  • Principles of Organisation
  • Organisation Theory

  • Change and learning of organisations
  • Paradoxes in organisations
  • Organisation theory (identity, sociological institutionalism, power)
  • Management of professional service firms
  • Personnel management (for instance digitisation)
  • Sustainability and economic ethics
  • Portfolio Professur Organisation and Leadership

  • Remuneration systems in professional service firms
  • Digitisation of the working environment, especially the project "Indiziert. Digitalisiert. Transformiert. Instrumente für den erfolgreichen Wandel ins Arbeiten 4.0. Forschungsprojekt im Programm „Zukunft der Arbeit“, Förderbekanntmachung des BMBF“ Arbeit in der digitalen Welt“, gefördert durch BMBF/ESF, Laufzeit 01.05.2017-31.04.2020, siehe: http://digitrain40.de."
  • Learning of sustainability


  • 2016 State doctorate Dr. habil. at the University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich, Faculty of Economics and Business Organisation and appointment as lecturer. 
  • Since 09/2015 Professor of Organisation and Leadership at ESB Business School, Reutlingen University
  • 11/2014-08/2015 Research assistant at the professorship in Personnel Management and Organisation at the University of the German Armed Forces in Munich
  • 04/2012-10/2014 Lecturer and advisor in the Department of Military Leadership and Organisation at the General Staff College of the German Armed Forces (Hamburg)
  • since 2011 Habilitation project (cumulative) on the subject of paradoxes in organisations         
  • since 09/2009 Lecturer and external lecturer at Fresenius University, WFI Ingolstadt School of Management, EURO University of Applied Sciences, University of Innsbruck and University of Hamburg, among others
  • 04/2009–03/2012 Research assistant at the professorship in Personnel Management and Organisation at the University of the German Armed Forces in Munich
  • 10/2007–03/2009 Adjutant of the commander of the 1st Air Force Division, German armed forces (Fürstenfeldbruck)
  • 02/2005–09/2007 Head of Centralised Automotive Engineering German Air Force Fighter Bomber Squadron 32 ECR (Lagerlechfeld)
  • 02/2004–02/2005 Logistics Officer at German armed forces military airfield in Cologne/Wahn
  • 10/2000–12/2003 Studied Economic and Organisation Sciences at the University of the German Armed Forces in Munich
  • 12/1999–09/2000 Military Officer School of the German Air Force (Fürstenfeldbruck)


  • Zentrum für Forschung und Praxis zukunftsfähiger Unternehmensführung e.V., 2. Vorsitzender
  • Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft für Betriebswirtschaft e.V., insbesondere Arbeitskreis Unternehmensführung
  • Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V.
  • European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS)

Lectures at scientific conferences

  1. Kozica, A., Schaller, P. (2017). Experiments as management practice in the context of evidence based management, 33th EGOS Colloquium, The Good Organization. Aspirations – Interventions – Struggles., Subtheme: Experimenting organizations: Becoming by doing, Copenhagen Business School, 6-8 Juli 2017.
  2. Kozica, A. (2017). Digitization of work from conventional perspective. Power of Conventions – Conventions of Power, Sociology of Conventions Workshop, Reutlingen University, 26.-27. Januar 2017.
  3. Kozica (2017). Power of conventions – Conventions of Power. Introduction. Power of Conventions – Conventions of Power. Sociology of Conventions Workshop, Reutlingen University, 26-27. Januar 2017.
  4. Renzl, B., Rost, M., Kozica, A. (2017). Industrie 4.0 und neue Kompetenzanforderungen am Beispiel der Automobilindustrie, Internationales Rechtsinformatik Symposion (IRIS) 17, Universität Salzburg, 22.-24. Februar 2017.  
  5. Kozica, A. (2016). Digitale Arbeitswelt, Workshop: Ubiquitous Working. Herausforderungen und Chancen einer vernetzten Arbeitswelt, Leibnitz-Institut für Wissensmedien (IWM), Tübingen, 11. November 2016.
  6. Rost, M., Stölzel, M., Kozica, A. (2016). Neue Arbeitsaufgaben und Anforderungen durch Industrie 4.0 – eine qualitative Fallstudie in der Automobilindustrie, Konferenz: Zukunftsprojekt Arbeitswelt 4.0, Haus der Wirtschaft Stuttgart, Veranstalter u.a. Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Wohnungsbau Baden-Württemberg, Fraunhofer (IAO/ISI) und Universität Hohenheim, 19. September 2016.
  7. Kozica, A. (2016). The relevance of convention theory for managerial practice. Sociology of Conventions Workshop: Markets and Organizations, Universität Hamburg, 16.-18. Juni 2016.
  8. Kaiser, S., Kozica, A., Bader, V. (2016). Indiziert, Transformiert. Digitalisiert. Instrumente für einen erfolgreichen Wandel ins Arbeiten 4.0 (DigiTraIn 4.0). Posterpräsentation auf der Konferenz „Die digitale Transformation erfolgreich gestalten – Digital Work Design, Leadership and Organizations“, TU München, 10. Juni 2016.
  9. Loscher, G., Kozica, A. (2016). Power and Institutional Fields, 12th Workshop on New Institutionalism in Organization Theory, Lucerne, 31. März-01. April 2016.
  10. Kaiser, S., Kozica, A. (2015): Hochschulen zwischen Bürokratie und Management?: Erkenntnisbeiträge aus der Forschung zu Professional Service Firms, Symposium: „Governance, Performance & Leadership of Research and Public Organizations“, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, München, 15.-16. Juli 2015.
  11. Loscher, G., Kozica, A. (2015): Power in institutional fields. A case-study on institutional change in the German field of auditing, 31th EGOS Colloquium “Organizations and the Examined Life: Reason, Reflexivity and Responsibility, Athen, Griechenland, 2.-4. Juli 2015.
  12. Kozica, A. (2015): From dishwashing to dishwasher cooking: How users are drawn towards uses of technology”, in the Subtheme “Actors and Institutions: Alternative Currents”, 31st EGOS Colloquium, “Organizations and the Examined Life: Reason, Reflexivity and Responsibility, “Design?”, Helsinki, Finnland, 5.-7. Juli 2012.
  13. Loscher, G., Kozica, A. (2015): Power in institutional fields: A case study on institutional change in the German field of auditing, PDW on organizational and institutional change, University of Edinburgh Business School, Edinburgh/UK, 9. März, 2015.
  14. Kozica, A. (2014): Partnervergütung in Professional Service Firms: Erste Ergebnisse einer qualitativen Umfrage, 2. Workshop „Professional Service Firm Forschung“, Universität der Bundeswehr München, München, 10. Oktober 2014.
  15. Kozica, A., Brandl, J. (2014): Organisationales Gedächtnis und Konventionen: Eine Betrachtung der normativ-pragmatischen Dimension des organisationalen Gedächtnisses. Tagung „Organisation und Gedächtnis“ des Arbeitskreises „Soziales Gedächtnis, Erinnern und Vergessen“ der Sektion Wissenssoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS), Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr Hamburg, 13.-14. März 2014.
  16. Kozica, A. (2014). Koreferat zum Beitrag “Externalising the German Model of flexibility? 
    Distribution, institutional embeddedness and trends of outsourcing and temporary agency work in German establishments” von Stefan Kirchner, Jahreskonferenz der WK Organisation (VHB), Jena, 26.-28. Februar 2014.
  17. Kozica, A., Ehnert, I. (2014): Zukunftsfähigkeit durch Nachhaltige Unternehmensführung: Ambidextrie und Paradoxien beim Lernen von Nachhaltigkeit, Jahreskonferenz der WK Organisation (VHB), Jena, 26.-28. Februar 2014.
  18. Kozica, A., Brandl, J. (2013): Gerechtigkeit in Personalbeurteilungen. Wie Gerechtigkeitsvorstellungen die Anwendung von Beurteilungssystemen prägen, Herbstworkshop der Kommission Personalwesen VHB e. V., Universität Hamburg, 18.-21. September 2013.
  19. Hansen, N.K., Kozica, A., Kaiser, S. (2013): Partnervergütung und strategische Ausrichtung von Professional Service Firms. Ausblick auf eine empirische Studie, Herbstworkshop der Kommission Personalwesen VHB e. V., Universität Hamburg, 18.-21. September 2013.
  20. Kozica, A. (2013): Präsentation des Papers „Managementberatung – die diskursive Generalisierung einer Forminvestition“ von Christian Schmidt-Wellenburg auf dem Kommentierungsworkshop Konvention und Organisation, Universität Hamburg, 17.-18. September 2013.
  21. Kozica, A., Kaiser, S. (2013): Konventionen und Routinen. Beiträge der „Économy des Conventions“ zur Forschung zu organisationalen Routinen, Kommentierungsworkshop Konvention und Organisation, Universität Hamburg, -18. September 2013.
  22. Loscher, G., Kozica, A., Kaiser, S. (2013): How Organizational Change and Learning takes Place in Knowledge Intensive and Professional Service Organizations: A Practice Based View on Organizational Archetype Change, 13th EURAM Annual Conference “Democratizing Management”, Istanbul, 26.-29. Juni 2013.
  23. Kozica, A., Gebhardt, C., Müller-Seitz, G., Kaiser, S. (2012): Wikipedia’s „Bureaucratic Nightmare“: Contradictions and Consistency in Wikipedia’s Organizational Identity, 28th EGOS Colloquium “Design?”, Helsinki, Finnland, 5.-7. Juli 2012.
  24. Kozica, A. (2012): NGOs, problem-centered organizations and networks: How can we challenge such organizations and organized phenomena from CCO-perspective? Keynote and comment in the session „Interorganizational Contexts”, at the Subtheme Organizations as Phenomena of Language Use: Interconnecting Discourse and Communication, 28th EGOS Colloquium “Design?”, Helsinki, Finnland, 5.-7. Juli 2012.
  25. Bonss, U., Kozica, A., Kaiser, S. (2012): Absorbing external knowledge: The supportive role of high-skilled external professionals, Conference Organization, Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLCK), Valencia/Spain, 25.-27. April 2012.
  26. Kozica, A., Brandl, J. (2012): Decoupling and Recoupling in bureaucratic organizations: How institutional demands influence performance appraisal systems, 8th New Institutional Workshop, Barcelona/Spain. 15.-16. März 2012.
  27. Kozica, A., Kaiser, S., Friesl, M. (2012): A conventionalist perspective on organizational routines: Challenging the routine discussion by integrating interactionalist and institutional elements, Jahreskonferenz der WK Organisation (VHB), Berlin, 01.-02. März 2012.
  28. Kozica, A. (2012): Koreferat zum Beitrag“Stereotypes in Bank Lending Decisions to Nascent Entrepreneurs” von Wollersheim, J., Döbrich, C., Spörrle, M., Welpe, I.M., Jahreskonferenz der WK Organisation (VHB), Berlin, 01.-02. März 2012.
  29. Bonss, U., Kozica, A., Kaiser, S. (2011): Absorbing external knowledge: The supportive role of high skilled external professionals, 7th Symposium on Strategic Learning, Linz/Österreich, 29.-30. September 2011.
  30. Kozica, A., Brandl, J. (2011): Recoupling Processes in Bureaucratic Organizations: A Study of Investments in Performance Appraisals, 71th AOM Annual Meeting “West meets East – Enlightening, Balancing, Transcending”, San Antonio, Texas/USA, 12.-16. August 2011.
  31. Kozica, A. (2011): Präsentation des Papers “Ambidexterity or Reliability? Two Approaches, One Complexity-Centered Organization Type” von Sebastian Kortmann und Carsten Zimmermann, 71th AOM Annual Meeting “West meets East – Enlightening, Balancing, Transcending”, San Antonio, Texas/USA, 12.-16. August 2011.
  32. Kozica, A., Brandl, S. (2011): Investment in Forms: How institutional demands work inside bureaucratic organizations, 27th EGOS Colloquium “Reassembling Organizations”, Gothenburg, Schweden, 6.-9. Juli 2011.
  33. Kozica, A., Kaiser, S., Friesl, M. (2011): A conventionalist perspective on organizational routines: Challenging the routine discussion by integrating interactionalist and institutional elements, 27th EGOS Colloquium “Reassembling Organizations”, Gothenburg, Schweden, 6.-9. Juli 2011.
  34. Kozica, A. (2011): Präsentation des Papers “The re-assembling of the public university. Higher education organizations and autonomy” von Rosemary Deem, 27th EGOS Colloquium “Reassembling Organizations”, Gothenburg, Schweden, 6.-9. Juli 2011.
  35. Kozica, A., Brandl, J. (2011): Recoupling Processes in Bureaucratic Organizations: A study of investments in performance appraisals, Conference on Coordination within and among organizations, facilitated by ASQ, OMT and HEC (Paris), Paris, 13.-14. June 2011. Paper presented in roundtable session and poster-presentation. The paper received a Highlight-Paper Nomination and was amongst the Final Round and Nomination for Highlight-Paper runner-up.
  36. Kozica, A., Kaiser, S., Friesl, M. (2011): Justifying Routine Change. Contributions of a Conventionalist Perspective on Organizational Routines, 11th EURAM Annual Conference “Management Culture in the 21the Century”, Tallinn, 1.-4. Juni 2011.
  37. Bonss, U., Kozica, A., Kaiser, S. (2011): Absorptive capacity: Implications of the usage of high skilled external professionals, 11th EURAM Annual Conference “Management Culture in the 21the Century”, Tallinn, 1.-4. Juni 2011.
  38. Kaiser, S., Kozica, A. (2011): A Sustainability Perspective on Flexible HRM: How We Can Integrate Isolated Research on Freelancers, Part-Timers And Other Forms Of Contingent Work By Applying a Sustainability Framework, 11th EURAM Annual Conference “Management Culture in the 21the Century”, Tallinn, 1.-4. Juni 2011.
  39. Kozica, A. (2011): Linking Research on HRM and Performance with Ethics: Does the integration of employees into the HRM-performance relationship contributes to give ethics in HRM a more pivotal role? 26th Workshop on Strategic Human Resource Management, facilitated by EISAM, Reykjavik, 16.-17. Mai 2011.
  40. Bonss, U. Kaiser, S., Kozica, A. (2011): Absorptive Capacity: Implications of the usage of high skilled external professionals. Forschungskolloquium „Knowledge & Learning“ mit dem Institute of Human Resource and Change Management der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, 19. April 2011, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Neubiberg.
  41. Kozica, A. (2011): Does the integration of employees into the HRM-performance relationship contributes to give ethics in HRM a more pivotal role? Paper presented at the invitation-only research workshop: Ethics and HRM: Theoretical and conceptual analyses, facilitated by EABIS (The Academy of Business in Society), Monash University (Australia) and Journal of Business Ethics, London, 10.-12. April 2011.
  42. Kozica, A., Brandl, J. (2010): Bringing Organizations back: A study of Investments in Performance Appraisals. Workshop “Institutions Justified”, Wien (Austria), 2.-03. Dezember 2010.
  43. A., Kaiser, S. (2010): Sustainable HRM: a novel research framework for flexible HRM?, Herbstworkshop der Kommission Personalwesen VHB e. V., Rauischholzhausen, Gießen, 11.-12. November 2010.
  44. Kozica, A. (2010): Personalethik – Die ethische Dimension personalwissenschaftlicher Forschung. Jahrestagung des Deutschen Netzwerks Wirtschaftsethik, Doktorandenworkshop, 19.-20. April 2010.
  45. Kozica, A. (2010): Die Erfolgsfaktorenforschung der Personalwirtschaftslehre - Anmerkungen zur Mitarbeiterorientierung aus ethischer Perspektive, Jahrestagung der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Wissenschaftstheorie im Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e. V. (VHB) – Ethik in der betriebswirtschaftlichen Forschung, Berlin 24.-26. März 2010.

Guest lectures, other lectures and events

  1. Kozica, A. (2017). Digitalisierung und die neue Arbeitswelt. Perspektiven für Betriebsräte, AOK Personalrätekonferenz, AOK Bildungszentrum Untersteinbach, 02. März 2017.
  2. Kozica, A. (2017). Gesundheitsmanagement und die neue, digitale Arbeitswelt. Treffen der BGM-Koordinatoren der AOK, Pforzheim, 18. Januar 2017.
  3. Kozica, A. (2016). Transformation in die digitale Arbeitswelt. Grundlagen und Perspektiven. Arbeitskreis Personalmanagement in Gesundheitskassen, AOK Hauptverwaltung, 20.09.2016, Stuttgart.
  4. Kozica, A. (2016). Arbeitswelt von  morgen – Vielfalt gewinnt!, Personalgipfel 2016, AOK BadenWürttemberg, Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema Digitalisierung in der Arbeitswelt, AOK Bildungszentrum, 07.04.2016, Unterjesingen
  5. Kozica A. (2016). Die „digitale“ Organisation. Einordnung und Herausforderungen, JUSO Badenwürttemberg, Projektgruppe „Digitale Organisation“, 05.04.2016, Stuttgart.
  6. Kozica, A. (2015): Führung in fluiden Organisationen, Sitzung des Arbeitskreis Unternehmensführung der Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft, Universität der Bundeswehr München, 27. Februar 2015.
  7. Kozica, A. (2014): Organizational Identity and Paradox. An Analysis of the “Stable State of Instability” of Wikipedia’s Identity, HR Forum, Innsbruck University School of Management, Department of Organisation and Learning, 11. Dezember 2014, Innsbruck.
  8. Kozica, A. (2013): Die Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr und ihr Beitrag zur Personalentwicklung und Elitenförderung in der Bundeswehr. Sitzung des Arbeitskreis Unternehmensführung der Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft, Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr Hamburg, 12. Juli 2013.
  9. Kozica, A. (2013): Emotional Leadership: Beiträge von Emotionen zur Führung in komplexen Situationen, Führungstraining für zivile und militärische Führungskräfte, (Situatives Führungshandeln in komplexen Situationen), Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr Hamburg, 11.-15. Februar 2013.
  10. Wendroth, H., Kozica, A. (2012): Innere Führung und Leitbild: Anmerkungen zur Neuorganisation der Bundeswehr. Tagung „Leitbild Bundeswehr“, Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr Hamburg, 19.-21. November 2012.
  11. Brandl, J., Kozica, A. (2012): Decoupling revisited. A literature review and refinement of a core concept of institutional theory. Research Seminar at the Universität Innsbruck, 24. Januar 2012, Innsbruck.
  12. Bonss, U., Kaiser, S., Kozica, A. (2011): Absorptive Capacity: Implications of the usage of high skilled external professionals. Forschungsseminar der Universität der Bundeswehr und dem Institute of Human Resource and Change Management der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, 19. April 2011, Neubiberg.
  13. Kozica, A., Kaiser, S., Friesl, M. (2011): Justifying routine change: Contributions of a conventionalist perspective on organizational routine. Forschungsseminar der Universität der Bundeswehr und dem Institute of Human Resource and Change Management der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, 19. April 2011, Neubiberg.

Conference organisation, further contributions at conferences and events

  1. Sitzung Arbeitskreis Unternehmensführung der Schmalenbachgesellschaft für Betriebswirtschaft e.V. zum Thema Transformation der Automobilbranche, ESB Business School, Hochschule Reutlingen, 10. Februar 2017.
  2. Roundtable Power of Conventions – Conventions of Power at the Workshop Sociology of Conventions, participants: Rainer Diaz-Bone, Lisa Knoll, Claude Dirdy, Reutlingen University, 26.-27. January 2017. Own role: moderating the roundtable.
  3. Session Method and research question space at the workshop Sociology of Conventions, Reutlingen University, 26.-27. January 2017. Own role: organizing the session. 
  4. Workshop Power of Conventions – Conventions of Power, from the series of Workshops on Sociology of Conventions, Reutlingen University, 26.-27. January 2017. Own role: Conference organization.
  5. Knowledge, Learning and Innovation Within and Between Sectors, EURAM (European Academy of Management, Manageable Cooperation?, 01.-04. June, Managing the track 06-07 at SIG 06 Innovation (INNO), Issuing CfP and organizing the Track with Nina Kathrin Hansen, Barbara Müller, Vanessa Ratten, Juani Swart, Rick Vogel.
  6. Session about conventions in higher education organizations, workshop Sociology of conventions: markets and organizations, Hamburg University, 16.-18. June 2016. Own role: chairing the session
  7. Roundtable Methodological issues of the convention theory (problems, perspectives and solutions) at the workshop Sociology of conventions, University of Lucerne, 11.-12. December 2015. Own role:  chairing the roundtable, participants: Julia Brandl, Rainer Diaz-Bone, Lisa Knoll.


Kozica, Arjan






















