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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dominik Lucke

Production Engineering and Automation and Digitisation of Production

+49 7121 271 5005


Building 16, Room 111

By appointment (online and in presence)

Production Technology, Automation and Digitisation of Production, Mathematics 1, Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering

Smart Maintenance, Predictive Maintenance, Optimisation of maintenance

Development of a novel tool to improve manual lubrication processes and lubricant management Funding body: BMWi
Duration: 01.01.2020 - 31.12.2021


  • 2017-present    Professor at Reutlingen University (ESB Business School) for production technology, automation and digitisation of production
  • 2016-2017    Research associate and project manager at the Institute of Industrial Manufacturing and Factory Management (IFF) - University of Stuttgart
    Project coordination BMBF-Project I4.0: accompanying research on the mobilisation of small and medium-sized enterprises
  • 2013-present    Research associate and project manager at the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation (IPA), Department of Sustainable Production and Quality, Maintenance Group
  • 2013    Doctorate (PhD) in Engineering (Dr.-Ing.), University of Stuttgart
  • 2007-2012    Research associate and project manager at the Institute of Industrial Manufacturing and Factory Business (IFF) – Universität Stuttgart
  • 2007-2012    Research associate and project manager at the Institute of Industrial Manufacturing and Factory Management (IFF) - University of Stuttgart
    Deputy Head of the Digital Factory Department (2009-2011)
  • 2001-2007    Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering (Dipl.-Ing.), University of Stuttgart

Henke, J., Lucke, D. & Eigenbrod, H. (2020). Using context data to improve the overall product quality in process chains. Procedia CIRP, 93

, 622–627. doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2020.04.110

Jooste, J. L., Louw, L., Leipzig, K. v., Conradie, P. D. F., Asekun, O. O., Lucke, D. & Hagedorn-Hansen, D. (2020). Teaching maintenance plan development in a learning factory environment. Procedia Manufacturing, 45

, 379–385. doi.org/10.1016/j.promfg.2020.04.040

Lutz, M., Münch, M., Turgut, A., Lucke, D., Palm, D., Braun, A. & Ohlhausen, P. (2020). Der Digitale Zwilling entlang des Produktlebenszyklus. ZWF Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 115

(6), 422–424. doi.org/10.3139/104.112314

Styr, A., Schumacher, S., Bauer, D., Lucke, D. & Bauernhansl, T. (2020). Description Model for the Assessment of Autonomous Production Stages. Procedia CIRP, 93

, 353–358. doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2020.03.048

Welte, R., Estler, M. & Lucke, D. (2020). A Method for Implementation of Machine Learning Solutions for Predictive Maintenance in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises. Procedia CIRP, 93

, 909–914. doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2020.04.052

Ilg, J., Oehler, A. & Lucke, D. (2019). A Suitability Analysis Method for Additive Manufacturing Technologies in Small and Medium-Sized Companies. Procedia CIRP, 81

, 612–617. doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2019.03.164

Lucke, D., Einberger, P., Schel, D., Luckert, M., Schneider, M., Cuk, E., Bauernhansl, T., Wieland, M., Steimle, F. & Mitschang, B. (2019). Implementation of the MIALinx integration concept for future manufacturing environments to enable retrofitting of machines. Procedia CIRP, 79

, 596–601. doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2019.02.084

Lucke, D., Steimle, F., Cuk, E., Luckert, M., Schneider, M. & Schel, D. (2019). Implementation of the MIALinx User Interface for Future Manufacturing Environments. Procedia CIRP, 81

, 606–611. doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2019.03.163

Schneider, M., Lucke, D. & Adolf, T. (2019). A Cyber-Physical Failure Management System for Smart Factories. Procedia CIRP, 81

, 300–305. doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2019.03.052

Eberl, A., Fallert, B., Kiefer, D., Leuschner, D., Mastroianni, L., Richter, P., Tittelbach, F., Braun, A., Lucke, D., Ohlhausen, P. & Palm, D. (2018). Methoden zur Sofortpreiskalkulation von CNC-Drehteilen: Entwicklung und Bewertung der Anwendbarkeit von Algorithmen und prädiktiven Machine-Learning-Modellen. ZWF Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 113(12), 835–839.

Dominik Lucke, Marcus Defranceski & Thomas Adolf. (2017). Cyberphysische Systeme für die prädiktive Instandhaltung. In Handbuch Industrie 4.0 Bd.1

(S. 75–91). Springer Vieweg, Berlin, Heidelberg. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-45279-0_28

Issa, A., Lucke, D. & Bauernhansl, T. (2017). Mobilizing SMEs Towards Industrie 4.0-enabled Smart Products. Procedia CIRP, 63

, 670–674. doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2017.03.346

Wieland, M., Steimle, F., Mitschang, B., Lucke, D., Einberger, P., Schel, D., Luckert, M. & Bauernhansl, T. (2017). Rule-based integration of smart services using the manufacturing service bus. In IEEE SmartWorld 2017. Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing, Advanced & Trusted Computed, Scalable Computing & Communications, Cloud & Big Data Computing, Internet of People and Smart City Innovation (S. 925–932). IEEE.

Schebek, L., Kannengießer, J., Campitelli, A., Fischer, J., Abele, E., Bauerdick, C., Anderl, R., Haag, S., Sauer, A., Mandel, J., Lucke, D., Bogdanov, I., Nufer, A.-K., Steinhilper, R., Böhner, J., Lothes, G., Schock, C., Zühlke, D., Plociennik, C. & Bergweiler, S. (2017) Ressourceneffizienz durch Industrie 4.0: Potenziale für KMU des verarbeitenden Gewerbes. Berlin.

Volkmann, J. W., Landherr, M., Lucke, D., Sacco, M., Lickefett, M. & Westkämper, E. (2016). Engineering Apps for Advanced Industrial Engineering. Procedia CIRP, 41

, 632–637. doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2015.12.031

Wieland, M., Hirmer, P., Steimle, F., Gröger, C., Mitschang, B., Rehder, E., Lucke, D., Rahman, O. A. & Bauernhansl, T. (2016). Towards a Rule-based Manufacturing Integration Assistant. Procedia CIRP, 57

, 213–218. doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2016.11.037

Jäger, J., Görzig, D., Paulus-Rohmer, D., Schatton, H., Baku, S., Weskamp, M. & Lucke, D. (2015) Industrie 4.0 - Chancen und Perspektiven für Unternehmen der Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar: Studie im Auftrag der Industrie- und Handelskammern Rhein-Neckar, Pfalz und Darmstadt Rhein Main Neckar erstellt durch das Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung IPA. Mannheim.

Goerzig, D., Lucke, D., Lenz, J., Denner, T., Lickefett, M. & Bauernhansl, T. (2015). Engineering Environment for Production System Planning in Small and Medium Enterprises. Procedia CIRP, 33

, 111–114. doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2015.06.021

Lucke, D., Adolf, T., Trung Le, T., Berenguer, C., CHRISTIEN, J., Sieg-Zieba, S. & HAUG, R. (2015). Integrated dynamic predictive maintenance planning with advanced deterioration and remaining useful lifetime estimation models. In Safety and Reliability of Complex Engineered Systems (S. 2261–2269). CRC Press.

Lucke, D. (2014). Ad hoc Informationsbeschaffung unter Einsatz kontextbezogener Systeme in der variantenreichen Serienfertigung (Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Produktionsforschung; 25) Fraunhofer Verlag. (Stuttgart, Univ., Fak. Konstruktions-, Produktions- und Fahrzeugtechnik, Inst. für Industrielle Fertigung und Fabrikbetrieb, Diss. 2013).

Sieg-Zieba, S., Adolf, T., Lucke, D., HAUG, R., Boulet, P. & García-Sedano, J. (2014). SUPREME SUstainable PREdictive Maintenance for manufacturing Equipment. In EuroMaintenance 2014. Congress proceedings. CD-ROM (S. 6). European Federation of National Maintenance Societies.

Lucke, D., Görzig, D., Kacir, M., Volkmann, J. W., Haist, C., Sachsenmaier, M., Rentschler, Bauernhansl, T.(Hg.), Lickefett, M., (Hg.).  (2014) Strukturstudie "Industrie 4.0 für Baden-Württemberg": Baden-Württemberg auf dem Weg zu Industrie 4.0. Stuttgart.

Dominik Lucke. (2013). Smart Factory. In Digitale Produktion

(S. 251–269). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-20259-9_21

Landherr, M., Holtewert, P., Kuhlmann, T., Lucke, D. & Bauernhansl, T. (2013). Virtual Fort Knox: Eine flexible und sichere Plattform für Engineering-Anwendungen in Fabrikplanung und -betrieb. wt Werkstattstechnik online, 103(2), 146–151.

Landherr, M., Neumann, M., Volkmann, J. W., Jäger, J., Kluth, A., Lucke, D., Abdul Rahman, O., Riexinger, G. & Constantinescu, C. (2013). Fabriklebenszyklusmanagement. In Digitale Produktion (S. 163–195). Springer Vieweg.

Lucke, D., Constantinescu, C. & Westkämper, E. (2011). Smart devices for context-aware maintenance applications. In ICPR 2011, 21st International Conference on Production Research. Proceedings. CD-ROM (S. 4). Fraunhofer Verlag.

Lucke, D. & Constantinescu, C. (2010). Smart factory data model: Foundation of context-aware applications for manufacturing. In CIRP ICME 2010, 7th CIRP International Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering. Innovative and Cognitive Production Technology and Systems (S. 4). Univ. of Naples.

Lucke, D., Constantinescu, C. & Westkämper, E. (2009). Context data model, the backbone of a smart factory. In Sustainable Development of Manufacturing Systems (S. 4). International Academy for Production Engineering -CIRP-.

Lucke, D., Westkämper, E., Eissele, M., Ertl, T. & Siemoneit, O. (2008). Privacy-preserving self-localization techniques in next generation manufacturing An interdisciplinary view on the vision and implementation of smart factories. In 10th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics & Vision, ICARCV 2008. Vol. 3

(S. 1183–1188). IEEE. doi.org/10.1109/ICARCV.2008.4795689

Dominik Lucke, Carmen Constantinescu & Engelbert Westkämper. (2008). Smart Factory - A Step towards the Next Generation of Manufacturing. In Manufacturing Systems and Technologies for the New Frontier

(S. 115–118). Springer, London. doi.org/10.1007/978-1-84800-267-8_23

Lucke, D., Constantinescu, C. & Westkämper, E. (2008). Kontextbezogene Anwendungen in der Produktion: Smart Factory - Gestern, heute und in der Zukunft. wt Werkstattstechnik online, 98(3), 138–142.

Lucke, Dominik ; Wieland, Matthias: Umfassendes Kontextdatenmodell der Smart Factory als Basis für kontextbezogene Workflow-Anwendungen. Proceedings of 4. GI-ITG-KuVS-Fachgespräch Ortsbezogene Anwendungen und Dienste, 13. - 14. September 2007 München. München : Verl. Dr. Hut, München, 2007, S. 47–51