Digital Hub Neckar-Alb and Sigmaringen

The Digital Hub Neckar-Alb and Sigmaringen is a regional point of contact for small and medium-sized enterprises from all sectors for questions relating to digitisation. It helps companies and start-ups from all sectors to face the challenges of digitisation.  

In recent years, the Digital Hub has already received support from the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economic Affairs. With an updated concept, the project was also successful in the second funding round in January 2024 and now will be further developed with additional funding from the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

The hub is operated by a consortium managed by the Reutlingen Chamber of Industry and Commerce. In addition to Reutlingen University, the partners are Albstadt-Sigmaringen University, the Zollernalbkreis regional administration office and the cities of Albstadt and Reutlingen.

Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut  Wirtschaftsministerin des Landes Baden-Württemberg

The Neckar-Alb and Sigmaringen Digital Hub has established itself as an important point of contact for digitisation in the region and will continue to provide target group-specific support in the future in order to strengthen the future viability of companies in the region and encourage them to implement digital projects.

Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut

Minister for Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism of the State of Baden-Württemberg

The Hub’s central objectives are to strengthen regional innovation and expand knowledge transfer in the field of future technologies. The hub concept focuses on the step-by-step, modular development of expertise in digital themes in response to the shortage of skilled workers. In the second funding period, the activities of the Neckar-Alb and Sigmaringen Digital Hub will concentrate on expanding knowledge transfer and educational programmes.

As part of the project, Reutlingen University is collaborating with Albstadt-Sigmaringen University and Reutlingen’s Chamber of Industry and Commerce to develop demand-related certificate courses on specialist topics such as digital transformation, sustainability, IT security, Industry 4.0 and artificial intelligence. By completing such certificate modules with a Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS), participants will earn ECTS points which are recognised in standard degree programmes at universities of applied sciences.

In addition to developing the certificate courses, the hub also provides information events, workshops, networking events and advisory services.

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