
Washington and back

The NMUN team excels at this year’s National Model United Nations Conference

In a compelling journey from initial participation in Washington D.C. to years of active engagement, Reutlingen University left a lasting impact at the NMUN 2023 conference. - The university's dedication to excellence, showcased through outstanding Position Papers, reached new heights. The Reutlingen delegation eagerly anticipated and confirmed participation in NMUN 2023 in Washington D.C., a city of historical and cultural significance. The organization's excitement encourages participants to explore diplomacy, politics, and global affairs, fostering intellectual growth. As NMUN gains prominence, Reutlingen University, embodying diplomatic prowess and scholarly dedication, stands tall.

This year, a total of 18 delegates from Reutlingen University participated in the conference in Washington D.C., USA, with a majority once again representing the ESB Business School. Notably, a significant portion of the conference preparation took place in the German capital, Berlin. Given that this year's delegation represented the United States, a crucial international and political player, thorough preparation was imperative.

The seminar week in Berlin marked, among other things, the first in-person meeting of the participants. It also served as a platform for acquiring essential skills such as delivering impromptu speeches, representing a country's opinion as a delegate without incorporating personal views, crafting position papers, and navigating interactions within diverse international cultures, especially in moments of disagreement. But it is also crucial to mention here that the two head delegates Noah Schüler and Alessia Gravili introduced the group to the course of an NMUN conference and took care of all the preparations for the major conference. In essence, the Berlin seminar week served as a mini-conference before the major one in the United States. The capital city provided an ideal setting not only for cultural excursions, such as visits to the Bundestag, but also for team bonding. It offered a perfect ambiance for culinary exploration, fostering team exchanges, and, among other things, facilitating better mutual understanding among team members.

On November 10th, 2023, the awaited moment had arrived. After a lengthy journey, all the students converged in Washington D.C. for the National Model United Nations Conference. In eight committees, each comprised of two students, heated and intriguing discussions unfolded. The objective was clear: as representatives of their respective countries, including the USA delegation from Reutlingen University, participants aimed to achieve consensus, collaborate, and navigate conflicts, addressing problems through the compilation of position papers and the eventual development of resolutions in cooperation with as many countries as possible. This ambitious goal demanded extensive communication and a readiness for compromise.

One NMUN participant, Carolin Saade, reflected, "NMUN gave me the chance to experience what it means to be a diplomat. Throughout the conference, I was exposed to instances of diplomacy and conflict, which taught me how to problem-solve and adapt on the spot in negotiations while at the same time appearing as a young, powerful leader by giving meaningful speeches."

The topics covered a broad spectrum, ranging from strategies to reduce discrimination to preventing nuclear hazards and reviewing the Sustainable Development Goals. For the Reutlingen team, the National Model United Nations 2023 was highly successful. The delegation received awards for 5 out of 8 position papers, surpassing the halfway mark. The entire Reutlingen team also earned the Honorable Mention Award.

ESB Business School students are now certain of one thing: they have learned a great deal, connected with individuals from around the world, including students from various faculties at Reutlingen University. NMUN participant Lilli Wilcke affirmed this by stating, "The atmosphere at NMUN DC 2023 was truly exceptional. Witnessing students from all over the world engaging in discussions on pressing global issues was inspiring and underlined the power of collective intellect as well as the role of dialogue. I am so grateful for having been part of this experience."

For more insights into NMUN 2023 and future conferences, visit us on Instagram. There, you can also learn when and how to apply to be part of the 2024 delegation. Every faculty is welcome, and prior knowledge is by no means necessary. Head delegates Noah Schüler and Alessia Gravili both affirm, "We both think NMUN is a truly comprehensive learning experience, which gives you the chance to improve a set of very diverse skills: from writing to public speaking and debating. But above all, it offers you the chance to get to know students from all over the world and see different perspectives on today's most pressing global issues. As we love to say: With the present, we can change our future, so if you have the opportunity, seize it!"