
Successful fundraising bike tour

ESB Business School students collect 40,100 euros for children in need

"ESB Cycling for Charity” is an annual event where ESB Business School students pedal hard for a good cause. The anniversary tour to Alicante was rewarded with a particularly high donation total.

This spring, for the 20th time, students from ESB Business School at Reutlingen University got on their bikes for a good cause. As part of the “ESB Cycling for Charity“ project, they covered hundreds of kilometres and collected donations for the Association for Children with Cancer Tübingen e.V.  and Integramus e.V. from Reutlingen. At the official handing-over of donations on Saturday 7 October, both associations were delighted to receive a total of € 40,100.

“It is often said that young people are lethargic and show no initiative. I can’t underline that at all. What you have got up and running here is really amazing”, praised Anton Hofmann, chairman of the Association for Children with Cancer Tübingen e.V. For “ESB Cycling for Charity”, the students organise the entire tour themselves, ranging from route and logistics planning and to training and sponsor acquisition.

This year the tour went from Reutlingen to Alicante in Spain at the beginning of April. Tour participant Luisa Maria Strasser particularly remembers the arrival there: “One of our professors joined us for the last leg of the journey. Many friends and students from our partner universities were already there to welcome us and cheer us on. That was the most beautiful moment of the tour.“

The students had already collected donations in advance with several fundraising campaigns at Reutlingen University. The team was supported by ESB Business School’s Culture and Charity department

Luba Maier, second chairperson of the Reutlingen-based association Integramus e.V., also came to the Reutlingen University campus for the handing-over of the donation cheque. She was also delighted at the high total amount, which is divided equally between both donation partners: “We are a mini association and can make so much happen with the students’ donation, especially in the current situation.” Integramus e.V. supports orphanages and kindergartens in Africa and Eastern Europe, including Ukraine.   

“We are happy that we were able to crack the 40,000 euro mark on the anniversary tour”, Luisa Maria Strasser sums up, “and for our partner associations we hope that the team will even top that result next year”.