
Strategic initiatives for a successful future

Reutlingen University establishes a new faculty and adds social sciences to its portfolio

Reutlingen University is setting the course for a successful future and is expanding its educational programmes by setting up a new faculty. The existing five faculties – ESB Business School, Informatics, Life Sciences, Engineering and TEXOVERSUM – will be joined by the new faculty NXT Sustainability and Technology in the summer semester of 2025.

In the new NXT Faculty of Sustainability and Technology changes in society will in future be considered from an integrated social, technological and economic perspective. For this purpose, two strategic initiatives are being implemented. Social sciences will in future be integrated into the university’s portfolio and combined with the existing industrial engineering faculty in the new NXT faculty. The industrial engineers will come from the previous WING department of ESB Business School. The Social Work degree programme, which was previously based at the Protestant University of Applied Sciences Ludwigsburg, Reutlingen Campus, will in future be integrated into Reutlingen University’s diverse range of educational opportunities in terms of both location and content.

With this strategic initiative, the university is addressing current trends in society and establishing new future-oriented degree programmes in which sustainability, social sciences, technology and engineering form complementary disciplines.

‘Following the triad of people – technology – future, the degree programmes and applied research of the new NXT faculty are the university’s response to the challenges of our time, which are characterised by the growing interconnectedness of different areas of society. Students will therefore be ideally prepared for specialist and management careers of the future’, emphasises Professor Dr Hendrik Brumme, President of Reutlingen University.  

Professor Dr Katrin Schlör from the Protestant University of Applied Sciences Ludwigsburg and Head of Campus Reutlingen adds: ‘We see great potential for the Social Work degree programme through its integration into Reutlingen University, which will enable it to benefit from future technological innovations. We are delighted to be able to integrate social and ethical aspects even more strongly into Reutlingen University’s excellent portfolio with our perspective.’

The management and business-oriented degree programmes will therefore remain at ESB Business School. In an increasingly competitive environment between business schools, ESB will focus on its core segment and further expand its international degree programmes. This will ensure that ESB Business School will remain successful in the future and continue to occupy top positions in various rankings.

This is confirmed by Professor Dr Markus Conrads, Dean of ESB Business School: ‘Our international orientation is and will remain at the heart of ESB. We will continue to develop this rigorously in the coming years in order to provide our graduates with the ideal starting conditions for a global management career. We look forward to a close dialogue within the university, which we will certainly also maintain with our colleagues in the new faculty’.