
15:00 - 16:00

Virtual Info Session: "IB or not to be" - BSc International Business (08.10.2024)

Are you still undecided what to study after graduation from high school? Would you like to know more about ESB Business School and our BSc International Business programme and its flexible options? Do you have questions about the application process and the respective dates and deadlines?

Then join us for an online info session during which we’ll present the key features of the IB programme and will answer any questions you may have.

Date: 08 October 2024
Time: 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm

Join us for the session on Zoom.

More information:

Upcoming info sessions: 

  • 05 November 2024, 03.00 pm
  • 03 December 2024, 03.00 pm
  • 07 January 2025, 03.00 pm