Hochschule Reutlingen

Prof. Dr. Hermann Lassleben


+49 7121 271 6019

+49 7121 271 90 6019


Gebäude 17, Raum 123

nach Vereinbarung

  • Studiendekan MBA International Management Full-Time
  • Mitglied des Fakultätsrats
  • Mitglied des Reutlingen Research Instituts (RRI)


  • Mitglied des Herausgeberrats: Human Resource Management Review (HRMR), International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management (IJHRDM), Journal for Global Business Advancement (JGBA), Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development (JIBED) und Applied Management Journal (AMJ).
  • Gutachter: International Journal of Human Resource Management, Human Resource Management Review, Personnel Review, Journal of Management Development, Journal for Global Business Advancement, Applied Management Journal, AoM, IHRM and ICMEM Konferenzen.
  • Gastprofessuren an der Xi’an Polytechnic University (China), St. Francis Xavier University (Kanada), Zagreb School of Economics and Management (Kroatien) und St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University (Russland).
  • Auswahlgutachter des DAAD, Akkreditierungsgutachter bei AQAS, Fellow der Academy for Global Business Advancement (AGBA).

  • Human Resource Management
  • Advanced Human Resource Management
  • International Human Resource Management
  • Business Research Methods

  • Internationales Personalmanagement
  • Vergleichende Studien zum Personalmanagement
  • Nachhaltiges Personalmanagement

  • Studium der Soziologie (Dipl. Soz.), Universitäten Regensburg und Bielefeld
  • Organisationsplaner, Wacker-Chemie GmbH, Konzernentwicklung, München
  • Personalreferent, Intel GmbH, HR Central Europe, Feldkirchen
  • Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, DFG Projekt "Policybezogenes Lernen kommunaler Sozialverwaltungen”, Universität Konstanz
  • Assistent am Lehrstuhl für Management (Prof. Dr. R. Klimecki), Universität Konstanz
  • Promotion (Dr. rer. soc.), Universität Konstanz
  • Seit 2000 Professor für Human Resource Management, Hochschule Reutlingen

Vorträge auf wissenschaftlichen Konferenzen (letzte 10 Jahre)

Lassleben, H. (2024), The impact of international work experience on career advancement: Examining the career trajectories of international business graduates. 6th Global Conference on International Human Resource Management (GCIHRM), June, 14th, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Lassleben, H. & Litz, S. (2023), What Kinds of Organizational Career Systems Do Millennials Expect? A Comparative Study of Canada and Germany. 19th World Congress of the Academy for Global Business Advancement (AGBA), May, 21st, Dubai, VAE.

Lassleben, H. (2022), Balancing Local Adaptation and Global Standardization: International Employer Branding Strategies of Multinational Companies, 28th Annual Conference of the International Association for Applied Management (IAAM), January, 7th, virtually - due to COVID-19.

Quah, C., Sim, S., Zavakos, A., Lassleben, H. & Tan, W. (2021), Emotional Intelligence: A Comparative Study of Malaysia, United States of America, Germany and Singapore University Students, 27th Annual Conference of the International Association for Applied Management (IAAM), April, 10th, virtually - due to COVID-19.

Shao, P. & Lassleben, H. (2020), Participation in Fast Fashion Brands' Clothes Recycling Plans in an Omnichannel Retail Environment. 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August, 11th, virtually - due to COVID-19.

Lassleben, H. (2019), Corporate or Employer Image. What Attracts Talents More? 26th Annual Conference of the International Association for Applied Management (IAAM), July, 2nd, London, UK.

Lassleben, H. (2018), Global or Local? An Analysis of the Employer Branding Strategies of German MNCs. 11th International Workshop on HRM, October, 25th, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, Spain.

Lassleben, H. & Litz, S. (2018), Career System Preferences: A Comparative Study of German and Canadian Business Students. 15th International HRM Conference, June, 24th, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain.

Lassleben, H. (2017), How Corporate and Employer Brand Affect Employer Attractiveness. International Conference on Business and Economics (ICBE), July, 6th, University of Finance - Marketing, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Lassleben, H. & Mayer, R. (2016), When the Candidate of Choice Turns You Down: An Empirical Study of the Reasons for Job Offer Rejection. 25th World Congress of the International Management Development Association (IMDA), June 18th, Kingston University, London, UK.

Lassleben, H. & Mayer, R. (2016), When the Candidate of Choice Turns You Down: An Empirical Study of the Reasons for Declined Job Offers. 10th International Workshop on HRM, October, 28th, Universidad de Cádiz, Spain.

Shchegolev, V., Martinez, A. & Lassleben, H. (2015), Employment Opportunities and Barriers on the Russian and German Labor Market for International Graduates with a Degree. Cross-Cultural Business Conference, May, 22nd, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Steyr, Austria.

Lassleben, H. & Litz, S. (2014), Attitudes towards Promotion Systems: An International Comparison. 1st International Workshop on Career Management, December, 12th, Reutlingen University, Germany.

Kramer, M., Lassleben, H. & Kirrane, M. (2014), Unraveling the Double-Edged Sword: Effects of Cultural Diversity on Creativity and Innovativeness. 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August, 4th, Philadelphia, USA.

Kramer, M., Lassleben, H. & Kirrane, M. (2012), Unraveling the Double-Edged Sword: Investigating the Effects of Cultural Diversity on Team Creativity. 12th International HRM Conference, December 12th, Management Development Institute, Gurgaon, India.


Laßleben, Hermann


















