
International, flexible, career-oriented

Trendence student survey confirms the profile of ESB Business School

ESB students want change, grasp the ‘big picture’ and are internationally oriented. This is verified by the results of the Trendence student survey. The market research institute, which specialises in talent recruiting and human resources, evaluated 31 universities and universities of applied sciences throughout Germany for the current survey.

At ESB Business School, respondents value, among other things, the high professional and didactic expertise of the professors and lecturers, the international character and practical relevance of the study programmes as well as the career services and the other activities and advisory services. In each of these areas, ESB Business School achieved top positions in the overall average.   

As part of the survey, Trendence also established which soft skills ESB Business School students bring along with them. The factors flexibility, motivation and resilience are much more pronounced among them than in the comparable peer group. They are also ahead in terms of digital skills: they recognise the challenges of digitisation, have no problems with its dynamics and complexity, yet are also able to question it critically.

The values of ESB students also show a clear profile: change is more important to them than stability, freedom more important than security and the journey is more important that the destination. Compared to other universities, they focus more frequently on the career factor and want to discover the world.

‘The Trendence student survey shows that our students pursue precisely the goals and values that we as a faculty stand for’, said ESB Dean Professor Dr Markus Conrads, commenting on the results. ‘We have great talents here who evidently appreciate our range of degree programmes. Our key task for the coming years is to further develop this in a way that is oriented to the future and innovative.’