ESB takes top place in the ranking of the German business journal WirtschaftsWoche

ESB Business School has held leading positions in the WirtschaftsWoche ranking for many years. In the current survey, the Department of Business Administration again maintains its excellent second place nationwide and is ranked first in the south of Germany. The Department of Business Information Systems at Reutlingen University confirms its place among the top ten universities nationwide.
‘Our graduates are excellently qualified, internationally orientated, have practical experience and are highly motivated. We are delighted that this is also recognised by companies and confirmed by the excellent ranking result’, comments Professor Dr Markus Conrads, Dean of ESB Business School, on the faculty’s good performance.
On behalf of the business journal WirtschaftsWoche, HR service provider Universum Global surveyed around 480 HR managers in German companies for the ranking. Almost 14 percent of HR managers prefer to recruit ESB Business School alumni. The respondents come from different sectors: 16.1 percent work from the healthcare sector, 7.2 percent from financial services and 6.2 percent each from banks and retail. More than a quarter of HR professionals work in companies with more than 1,000 employees, while some 30 percent work in companies with 100 to 500 employees.
‘It is very important to us to prepare our students in the best possible way for the labour market and to provide them with an optimal basis for their future professional success. This is why we strongly orientate our study concepts towards the requirements of the economy. The positive feedback from HR managers and the associated ranking results are impressive evidence of this’, emphasises Professor Dr Hendrik Brumme, President of Reutlingen University.
You will find all ranking results here (paid content).
About the WirtschaftsWoche ranking:
The WirtschaftsWoche university ranking is carried out by the Employer-Branding-Consultancy Universum on behalf of the WirtschaftsWoche journal. In the annual survey, HR managers indicate from which universities they particularly like to recruit graduates. The ranking is divided into universities and universities of applied sciences (‘Fachhochschulen‘) and is one of the most important educational rankings in Germany.