09:00 - 10:00
MBA Alumni Talks - Li Shen

From Azerbaijan to Senior Sustainability Consultant at EY, Stuttgart; from China to Omnichannel Marketing Lead | DACH Markets at Organon Healthcare GmbH, Munich; from Colombia to Global Digital Growth & Transformation Manager (Americas) at The Heineken Company, Switzerland; from South Africa to Business Development Manager-Risk & Compliance at Protiviti GmbH, Frankfurt Rhine-Main and from India to Manager, Strategy and Transactions at EY (Ernst & Young), Reutlingen.
In a series of 20-minute talks over 5 days, ESB Business School invites their international MBA alumni to give insights into their professional careers, into their working environment and their experiences living and studying in Germany and Europe. Questions are welcome! Find out for yourself what career opportunities are open to you after an MBA at ESB Business School.
Li Shen attended ESB Business School’s MBA full-time programme in 2016. After her graduation, she started her career in Consulting (Accenture and Deloitte), helping clients with their Digital Transformation. Currently she is specialized in Digital Transformation for the LSHC (Life Science Health Care) Industry.